Aadml armored air defense missile launcher 装甲防空导弹发射车
Installation requirement of missile launcher for naval surface ships 水面舰艇导弹发射装置安装要求
Mobile mouse control tanks , missile launchers left mouse button 鼠标控制坦克移动,鼠标左键发射导弹。
A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow 弩根据石弓的原理设计的中世纪飞弹发射器
A deceleration d accelerated w s up and down evade missiles , missile launchers left mouse button A减速, d加速, w s上下移动躲避飞弹,鼠标左键发射飞弹
Special ability : 5 % bonus to kinetic missile damage and missile launcher rate of fire per skill level 特别的能力:每级技能加5 %飞弹损害和导弹发射率。
This is the faithful hummer with a tow missile launcher in place of the roof - mounted machine gun 这是在原来装有机关枪的地方换装了一部陶式导弹发射具的悍马。
If the target of the long - range fire is not in range , the missile launcher will advance towards it 如果目标物在长程射击射程之外,火箭弹发射车将会靠近目标物。
Mobile missile launchers fire only longer salvos over a long distance and with an extremely high amount of explosive damage 流动火箭弹发射车只能进行长距离的弹道射击并产生极高的爆炸伤害。
The early - warning satellite for guided missiles is the reconnaissance satellite which can monitor , detect and track the enemy ballistic missile launcher 导弹预警卫星是用于监视发现和跟踪敌方弹道导弹发射的侦察卫星。